Sunday, August 14, 2011

labels with friends.

i learned how to do labels today. one of my best friends who i met on facebook taught me how to do this.
this friend is the best in the world. she is the type that i can text in the middle of the night and doesn't get mad, she could be on a date and she still will stop and respond. we bonded over having ms together, our love of dogs, our love for our own "fur kids" as we call them, and it progressed to blogging, talking, and most of all each others sounding boards.
she recently graduated from nursing school and passed the big test for the license. now she is going back to school to further her education and i couldn't be more proud or happier for her. she is an amazing lady, friend and nurse.
recently she asked if i would co-author with her on a blog. i said sure even though i have trouble keeping up on my own at times. she does get on me about that too. i said that i had no clue how she did those labels she does on her blog and she told me it was easy. type in the name of what you want to label at the bottom where it says labels. duh! i always saw it there but never knew that is what it was for. now i can label my little heart out.
hope you followers and bloggers enjoy this. .

weddings bring out the best in my family.

i come from a family of women on my dad's side of the family. we are all strong and highly opinionated. i guess a little background is in order here so you can understand the players and follow the drama that surrounds my family. 
on my dad's side, he has or had i guess is the correct term since he has passed away, a sister. his sister has 2 girls. my cousins are 15 and 10 years old than me. for the sake of privacy we can use the first letter of their names. my dad and his sister also have 2 younger cousins compliments of their father's younger brother. the younger one, m got, turned 59 in july. the older one, well i am not sure since i have not seen her since 1995-96??? maybe???
my older cousins, j and a (compliments of dad's sis) grew up and got married. j in 1980 and has 2 kids of her own. one is sort of my baby. l (first letters only, remember) is 15 years younger than me and in october will be getting married this october. my other cousin a, adopted a baby girl who is now 16 years old. cousin m, got married 11 years ago and got an instant family of 3 girls with her new husband. 2 of them were already college bond and the youngest was in high school. their mother had passed away some years before from ms. like all women who married a window with kids, the deceased spouse's things were still around the house. 
so you bloggers still there? bored yet? if not keep reading, if you are, keep reading because it gets better now that you have an idea of the players.
let's start with wedding number one. my cousin j's. she got married in 1980 and since she was the first in the family a big to-do was made. i think i was 9 at the time. well tempers went flying before the guest list was made. it started with her parents who were divorced. to this day they can't be in the same room together with out trying to kill each other. my aunt can hold a grudge forever!!! the fight was about who was paying, who was giving it, who's name was going to be on the invitation, why was the stepmother on it, why isn't the step father on it, and how in the hell did my grandparents get mixed up in this? to this day i am not sure how they got into this but they did and it sent my grandmother to the hospital. granted it was a short stay and more to bring everyone together but there really was nothing wrong with her. so days until the wedding and nothing has been resloved except that my family was invited, my grandparents, a couple thousand of their closest friends and their maid??!! don't ask. the only 2 who were not coming were the mother of the bride and her husband. at the 11th hour, they came to some kind of truce and showed up. 20 some odd years later, j was asking for a divorce and 2 days before it was to be signed, the future x died from a massive heart attack. thus making her a window who was already dating someone else and causing  the future bride, aka her daughter un-resloved issues of her own. 
in 1986 cousin  a gets married. this time instead of some big affair she got the small and not so silent wedding. it was small since my sister and i were not invited. ok it was a dig, sue me. you would do the same thing. silent, hell no! round 2 coming up this time minus grandpa. the man was smart to get out while the getting was good. 
parents of the bride fought, threaten, and who knows what else. this was also a marriage not made in heaven. the bride and her husband fought too. a wanted a baby very badly and tired for many years. after many years of fighting over not being able to have kids, her inlaws dying and her husband tried to end the marriage. in a's case that was not happening, so she adopted a baby much to her husband's dismay. the little girl was born and adopted into more problems than she could need and 16 yrs after the adoption, living with 2 people who did try and kill each other on a daily basis, watching their long and drawn out divorce,  will become the master manipulator like her darling adoptive father who did not want her but puts up a wonderful custody battle for her. 
fast forward to my sister's wedding. cousin j was in the middle of a messy divorce, my dad was slowing dying, my grandmother had been in and out of the hospital and any little stress would put her over the edge, my aunt well, i am sure she did something to tick my sister off, my sister and i fought at the end of her wedding (that is all i can say on that. sorry!), 
and cousin a was having issues because she was 40 something, divorced and not allowed a date for the wedding and said no date, not coming. 
well this didn't sit well with my grandmother who was already upset over j's divorce, my sister was getting married before me ( personally i was pretty cool with it. better her than me.) i had no date for the wedding (again was not upset over that either. like i want to babysit all night??) and a and her daughter were not coming unless she had a date. oh and let me say grandma would never have known any of this if a didn't go and tattle on us like a baby. so grandma appeals to my sister and asked her to let a bring a date. turns out grandma got a's x-husband to escort her. so now she has a date. 
next one, me. i fought with my mom over the location, fought over the fact that a priest was involved (hub is catholic, you had to know that was coming.), fought over the fact the church was first for the goys and opted for a 2nd one for the jews in the joint, fought over who was walking me down the aisle, fought over the guest list, and the best fight of all, the seating chart. i have 2 other cousins that my aunt does not speak with. no, don't worry we are not going there because that is a longer story. anyway, when seating time came my mom wanted to put the 2 other ones at another table, which would have totally unbalanced my O.C.D as we know it. in my mom's eyes she thought that if she put them somewhere else then no one would fight. personally at this point i was thinking that if they fought it would give the goys some much needed entertainment. so i made her sit them at the table. granted it was a tense evening but somehow they all got through it. i on the other hand, used a lot of champagne.
cousin m and her husband recently walked the youngest down the aisle. their youngest was a little bitch about the wedding. all m asked for was to be at the dress finding. not to much to ask for, right? well the little darling said ok and soon wedding preps were started. the night of the wedding looked like a fairy tale come true. however behind the scenes was a whole different story. the bride did not want m, her step mother, the woman who raised her, did her laundry, cared for her, in the wedding pictures. at least not in the family pictures. at the time our side of the family had no idea what was happening. everything looked great, food was wonderful, wedding cake was to die for, people were having a great time. except for m whose only happy memory of the wedding was when we were with her. when we were not with her, m would pop into the ladies room and cry, when she wasn't yelling at her husband for the way she was being treated. 
now we come to the next one in line for wedded bliss. the baby, l, is getting married. like all wedding that have come before her, this one is no exception to drama. 
the bridezilla has decided to have a destination wedding in a winery in the sanoma valley in california. she has decided only certain people are allowed to walk down the aisle, only certain people are allowed to be there and by certain people, i mean her mother's boyfriend (father died in 2005). her mother and her boyfriend have been together for 6 years or so and have never gotten along. why? beats me. bridezilla has issues. 
anyway the drama started with him not being invited, not being allowed near the state of california, not sharing the details of the wedding with her mother and the grandmother of the bride having issues of who she is walking down the aisle with. that conversation started at her bridal shower to which everyone ended up getting into the drama. what can i say, my family can't help but butt in at times. 
needless to say it was an interesting bridal shower. 
the show "bridezaillas" has nothing on my family. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

3 year olds. what the hell do you do with them??

most of you know i have a nephew who i hope one day will read this blog and realize that life can suck and it can be great. well right now life is sure sucking for him. 
the little guy turned 3 this year and it seems like he skipped the terrible 2's and made it the terrible 3's!!! 
my poor sister has no clue what to do anymore. he doesn't want to listen to her or my brother in law,  temper tantrums are an everyday thing, he does not want to eat at meal time, he doesn't want his mother to eat either, he thinks the dog is a horse and wants to ride her, he chases the dog around and it's killing the poor pup who just wants to relax. taking him out in public is slowly becoming harder to do. my sister has finally mastered the word "no" and "time out" but this little guy has his own plans here. i am suppose to babysit the little guy over labor day weekend. well, not the whole weekend thank goodness. let's face it, if i had him for the whole weekend i think his sippy cup would not be filled with milk but with some good old fashion wine! don't worry, i would give him the kosher stuff so not to tamper with the upbringing. 
i am not sure if i can deal with a meltdown. i have a 36 year old who has them daily and that's more than i can deal with. so how do i handle a 3 year old? i do know that i am not a pushover and i won't give in to his demands. he maybe good about getting what he wants but he will be up against the master here. i don't want to be the bad aunt either, i am bucking for the favorite aunt role here! so what do i do?? let him cry? give it? buy him something? take him to the nearest bar and have a drink? help!!! 
this is why i have lucky. somedays she is easier to raise. 

men and birthdays

what is it with men and birthdays? i understand everyone hates to get older. hell, i freaked out at 30! granted every year after that kind of sucked but at some point even i got over it. when i turned 40 i was shouting it from the rooftops. i loved it and will forever celebrate the 40th over and over again until i turn 50. then it will be a major party in my book!!! let's face it, it is a key birthday that deserves the highest of honors and prezzies!!! right? 
ok where was i going with this? oh! my husband and his 36th birthday. 
yesterday was his birthday and he did not take it too well. every year we go through the same thing. he wants a fuss, he doesn't, he wants cards, he doesn't, he wants everyone to remember, he doesn't. this all started when he turned 30. now granted i understand part of it but he takes this one step further. he goes for the full depression. i am still not sure after all these years why but i try not to let his mood damped the day. it is the one day of the year that i do grant his "all about me" mode so i do what i can to help make it better for him. in his mind he is not young anymore, the body is changing, he isn't where he thought he would be in life at this age (like who really is?), he can't do the same things he could 10 years ago (seriously who would want to?) and the fact he is now one step closer to 40. 
the day before did not help his mood either. ace is a cancer in the zodiac world to my scorpio so you can see where this gets tricky. anyway the day before he had a little altercation at work and he let it bother him to the point that it became better than it needed to be. true cancer if you ask me. i'll give you the cliff note version: 2 techs, 1 husband and a stupid joke that backfired. get the picture? thought so. remember when i say techs i am talking automotive so i am sure you understand. 
so he let it get bigger and i got pissed because, why let it ruin your weekend. i mean i know it wasn't going to ruin theirs and i sure as hell wasn't going to let it ruin mine. so i tried to explain this to him and in the end i told him to fuck off. wrong words to say to someone when they are already pissed but oh well. we fought as normal and finally i was able to tell him that what he is doing is giving them the satifaction of being upset and that this was not worth it. karma comes home and to just let it be. he actually listened to me and dropped the subject. 
funny thing, the next the he got his bday wish, karma came home and one tech got it in the end. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

the week from hell and hell only...

as in the last blog i was stuck with a sick husband who, yes, got me sick. it only took him 12 hours for this to happen. a new worlds record for him since he normally takes his sweet ass time for ANYTHING. which reminds me, he went into the bedroom because he has a headache and he normally does not do that one. hang on folks, i need to check if he is dead or not. brb. 
i'm back and no he is not dead. however he is asleep and breathing which means he will be awake very early and will wake me up. G-D DAMN IT!!!!!!!!
this is part of my week from hell. after he got me sick, my beloved laptop got sick too. i have no idea what happen, how it happen or if i did it. all i know is that i could not connect to the internet no matter what i did. at that time i was still using dial up and was pretty pissed with AOL. they told me it was a modem problem and to call dell. dell said it was not a modem problem and call AOL. aol said it was their fault and service would be back in 24 hrs. 
let me tell you, having all this happen on a saturday of all days especially when i am already sick with a cold and can't breathe to save my life is not good. all i could think of was trying to get through the next 24 hrs and i would have some kind of service. also all i could think of was new ways to kill my husband for getting me sick. not to mention the jackass was going around saying, "but i feel better!!" sure you feel better you asshole, you gave me your sicko germs!!! 
yes catching his cold is still a sore point with me and always will be. it now goes on the list of things he will never be forgiven for. especially since at this point i had a week to get well because i had my cousin's wedding the following weekend. 
well after 24 hrs i tried to log on again. and again no luck. both dell and AOL swearing up and down it was the other's fault. i screamed at dell that their warranty i purchased during the "great laptop crash of 2011" sucked, i screamed at aol that they were nothing but garbage and i screamed at my husband because he was there and i can. 
come monday morning i decided that was it i was biting the bullet and getting someone to install some kind of internet. a little google and i found someone. funny thing it was the same company my old neighbors across the street were using until they forgot to pay the bill and got cut off. i used to scam off their router many times. so i knew this company could hook me up. hook me up they did with a sweet deal. since i had no loyality to my phone service i dumped them on the spot and bundled up with some high speed internet for the same price as i was paying for a phone. i figured if i am dumping them, f**k if i am paying them this month for next month. time was arranged and we were in business. 
i wish i could say the rest of the week followed as well but we are talking about me here and that never would happen. maybe in a fairy tale. 
at this point i was still on my quest to breathe. not to mention my quest in returning a pair of shoes for something i liked better. well since breathing came first, i hit walgreens. almost literally since i sneezed as i was pulling into a parking spot. trust me, they would have and always deserve it. so i make my way to the cold section only to find out that sudefed is now kept under lock and key. really??!! are you serious?!! yes! i go up to the counter (after waiting 15 minutes in line) and i ask for a box. i figured she would hand it over, i pay and that would be it. no. i have to show my id. why? well it seems that sudefed is the main ingredient in crystal meth. who knew? the girl tells me i have to sign something saying that this is being used for the intended purpose and will not hold walgreens responsible in any way. 
seriously? do i look like i was in any condition to make crystal meth? all i wanted was to breathe again. and let's be honest here, cooking crystal meth falls into any kind of cooking in my book and cooking anything is never on my list of things to do. EVER!! so i think we were all pretty safe on that one. 
anyway at this point the stress was building in the house. i was sick, i have no internet, my computer was not working, my husband was driving me nuts and now he is stressing because i am sick and have no computer and i am  rushing around making sure everything is getting done to attend my cousin's wedding in now 5 days. 
things were going ok until we hit wednesday when my husband had to get his haircut and mow his parents lawn. (lawn is another story here for a later date)
this was scheduled to happen after work but when daddy calls he runs. mostly because he wanted to discuss our upcoming vacation with them. so after a little juggling he goes at noon for a haircut, i go and pick up the wedding gift, a card, some nail polish for my toes and off the the rents. all that got discussed was mowing the lawn. 
oh well maybe next time. right now my goal is to get home, give myself a pedi and dye my hair. i get that all done and fall into an exhausted and not restful sleep. the husband is on a toss and turn binge and can't sleep so i suffer for it. this had been going on for over a week and was not fun. i am not nice when i do not get my sleep. so come thursday i am not good. 
oh i am getting a little a head of myself here. since i could not get my laptop to work and i had scheduled the internet guy for thursday, i needed a back up plan. so i did what anyone else would do in a hurry, i bought a new laptop. well, it was more like a mini notebook with windows 7 starter that did nothing for me and since i could not make lucky my background pic i was really pissed. plus i paid for over night shipping to make sure it was there before thursday. needless to say when i opened the box i was not happy. not to mention the damn thing was so small i could not read a fucking thing. 
so let's add that to my stress level, shall we? i was scheduled for the last appointment of the day so at 2pm i get this call saying he was on the way. what?!?!?! no that wasn't going to work. i, like a dumbass who has been on sudefed way too long, told my husband about this. his solution, well let's leave work. ahhh no we are not leaving. this was not was promised to me. after a lot of fast talking, i got the guy to show at 4:15. so he drills holes into my house and we try to hook my laptop up. no dice. meanwhile, i have a husband who wants dinner, a dog who wants dinner and to say hello to her new friend and a laptop that i am told has no dirvers which is why it will not connect. that was good news since now i knew why it crapped in the first place. so we use the small stupid not staying with me for long notebook and presto i have internet for the first time. 
this should have been a happy moment but no. i have to run back to walgreens when this was done to pick up hubby's other meds because he is getting sick again. 
granted i did not want to go but seeing an hour of peace and quite was worth it. 
i go, come home and of course we fight. seriously about nothing really. just a weeks worth of stress came bubbling up and out. to keep from really killing him this time, i opted out of fighting and just sat by myself until bed time. now you would think 2 people who were exhausted and under some knock out drugs would sleep, right? nope. toss, turn, bounce and have some kind of nightmare was on his agenda. no sleep for you!!!!!!
so i am one hell of a crab on friday plus i still have things to do before the day is out. like double check with the internet company about the following thursday's phone installation, mani, bank, cancel aol and tell them what a piece of shit they are and grocery shop. 
i made the decision that i would not worry about my laptop until after the wedding. so friday night i did nothing. it was good. 
we went to alissa's wedding and it was beautiful. my killer looking shoes did not kill me!!! 
sunday i got dell to wipe my laptop and i am now in working order again then i fought with dell to return the other one, i won and life as i know it is getting back to some kind of peaceful moments. well until my husband wakes up at midnight and realized he can't go back to sleep. that might turn into the "i killed him, finally" blog. 
the best news i did get was that one of my best friends graduated nursing school and is now an official RN!! way to go!!!! she worked long and hard for it and i couldn't be happier or any prouder!!!!! she is going to make an amazing nurse and probably change her number after me texting her so many medical questions. LOL
until next time....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

babies... and i do not mean the cute and cuddly kind.

well it's thursday night and for the last few hours i have been listening to a baby. i wish i could say it was the cute and cuddly kind but it's not. i am listening to a 35 1/2 year old grown man kevetch. for all you goys out there, that means bitch. 

i know from experience that when men are sick they are complete and utter babies. I did have a father and 2 grandfathers so i have witnessed this. my husband is no different and he takes this to a whole new level. he wants someone to make it all better, he wants to bitch about what ails him, he wants sympathy and he wants someone to wait on him hand and foot. 
now if this was the 1950's and stepford wives still were in style, sure i would do it in a heartbeat. this is the 21st century. 2011 for pete's sake!!!! i do not do this. waiting on him hand and foot was never programed into my dna. my mother never waited on my dad like that. where this sick person gets this idea is beyond me. wait.. i take that back, i do know where he gets this idea, from his mother who is the product of the 1950's and still waits on her husband. 
let me do a little back track here for all you readers. i am jewish. i grew up in a whole different world. the women in my family did not wait on anything, unless it was a sale at marshall field's. some of us cooked, some of us didn't (guess which i fall into), some worked, managed the kids and the house at the same time and when we got sick, we got up and did the same thing we did the day before. 

ok i maybe getting a little off subject here so i will try to stay on track. where was i going with this story? oh yeah, my husband is sick. 
why do all men turn into children when they are sick? i don't understand. i am not trying to be mean but you have to admit it is true. it's not like they have never been sick before like a newborn or a 2 year old who has not experienced being sick. real babies i can understand, they can't talk and tell you what is going on. this one can't shut up about it. he is "congested, chest hurts, head hurts, throat hurts, maybe it's allergies, maybe it's a bad cold, is it hot in here, is it cold in here, am i cold, am i hot, i can't breath out of my nose, i can only breath from one side, why am i suddenly congested again, when will this go away, when will i feel better......" these are the complaints i have heard since we got home. 
i normally can handle sick people. i too have been one but i can' deal with this. to go along with the lithenary list of complaints i get the noises. the hacking, gagging, the drama breath, the drama cough... the drama of someone who THINKS they are dying but much to my dismay not dying. yes i am being harsh, again, but if you were sitting here you would do the same thing and you all know it. 
this is unreal. when i finally had enough and needed an idea what to do, i texted on of my best friends for advise. she is a nurse, or should i say will be a full fledged nurse with in the next few days. she graduates from school. i told her what was happening and she had said it sounded like bronchitis. the husband does suffer from it. she thought it would be best to see the doctor and lay off the smoking in the meantime. no smoking comments, please. i asked ace if he wanted me to call the doctor and he said yes and to make an appointment for next week. next week? are you freaking serious??? i am not going to wait until next week and spend the weekend listening to all of this. 4 hours is enough! so i said if you are that sick, we are going to the doctor. so i called half expecting the emergency service, however luck was on my side and they have an opening for tomorrow afternoon. 
much to my surprise he agreed to go. i am seriously thinking of making this a 2 for 1 deal because i am afraid that i too will catch what ever he has. of course will i get any sympathy? ahhhh nooooo!!! instead it will be a pissing match of who is sicker. if that happens. pray for me folks that this ends and soon. 
tune in tomorrow to see if the doc agrees with the nurse, who in my book is always right!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

long time no see...... part 2

since i haven't post in such a long time, i need to catch you all up on what's been going on. 
let's start with my favorite subject, my lucky puppy. 

lucky has been going well. she is healthy and happy. this past january she turned 9 years old. she had a little birthday party that left her in some kind of coma or from our stand point, hangover land. her best bud's helped celebrate and from what i could read on her fb wall it was a smash. yes i looked. don't judge either because you know you would look too. 
she got some nice gifts from her auntie shawnda too. now we have another ball in the house that if we touch you need to take cover. she will jump on you and fight for it. it seems anything auntie shawnda gives her is not touchable by anyone else. it makes her happy so that makes me happy too. 
as each day goes by, i do worry about my baby. her face it getting whiter, her eyelashes are grayer, some days she moves slowly, some very fast. i have also noticed that she may be getting a little arthritis in her back legs. when she goes to jump up on the bed, her couch or chair she may miss it.  i understand that this does happen to dogs her age but it's hard for me to watch. we have this big deck in the yard that she leaps off of. she has no problems doing that but when it's time to come back in, she sometimes misses a step. 
it scares me when this happens. 
lately i have noticed my baby has gotten a little lumpier too. i know they are just fatty deposits and they come and go but i worry about them turning into something more. 
ace has noticed them too and like me, not sure if we should have them removed or not. we know that they don't hurt her. i hate the idea of putting her through something she doesn't have to. i would do anything for her but am i being selfish not doing anything or doing something because i want her to be around forever?
glamour girl

pinky ball. do not touch.
i have also noticed some days she sleeps more. that scares me too. she has always been highly active and some days not so much. people tell me this is normal but when you are a dog mom, you can't help but worry. she has someone home with her during the day but since this person decided to have some kind of life (another story and maybe next blog) i don't feel like she is getting the care she needs. 
lucky has the smallest bladder on earth. lucky if you ever read this, i am sorry but you do. 
she does have a problem and will let that bladder loose, mostly on my back rug. just recently she was on a snow eating marathon since we got 24 inches dumped on us this winter. to make matters worse, since it's been raining for 40 days and nights she has been licking everything in site so that bladder fills as fast as she let's it loose. 
her new thing is to hold her bowels until she has no choice to let it go too. funny thing that is on the beige part of the carpet. some days i think she does it out of spite others for the lack of day time care. is this normal? does other dogs do this or do i just have the strangest one in the world??

long time no see......

ok friends, i am back. long time no blog i know. i hope you can forgive me for being very laxed in this area of life but i have reasons for not being on here for a LONG LONG TIME. 

part of the problem was what i like to call the great laptop crash of 2011. one saturday night ace was doing his normal let's annoy me thing. as some of you know it is a weekend ritual. i like peace and quiet and he is loud and a pain in my ass. don't get me wrong, i do love the man but sometimes i feel like i am taking care of a 35 year old child. anyway he came downstairs after watching some war movie on tv. now for him watching a war movie is never good, he gets way too caught up in it. why? beats me. i don't ask and to be honest, don't give a crap either. so he comes down and starts playing tug of war with lucky who is sitting next to me and the laptop. i said a dozen times not to play near me and the laptop. i asked, i pleaded, i even threatened his life and i was still ignored. well one thing led to another and between both of them they knocked the power cord out of the wall. you can guess what happened. 
i should have rebooted the damn thing and closed it out like a normal person. however, i didn't. instead i screamed at ace and world war 2011 broke out. we tossed out lots of verbal abuse, i tossed anything i could find at his head and well the fight soon ended with me sending him to another part of the house. 
the next day he knew i was mad but wasn't sure why so he treaded very carefully around me. i never went near the laptop all day because i knew deep in my gut there was a problem. finally ace asked me if i could check something on line and i said sure not a problem. at that point he knew something was up but still did not say anything. i, on the other had, with the fake smile started to power up the laptop. 
i powered it on and proceeded to wait for the opening screen.... 2 minutes... 5 minutes... 8 minutes.... 10 minutes.... finally i get my opening screen. now for someone of you friends reading this, you know where this is going. yes houston we have a problem. 
ace looks at me, then the screen, the back at me looking like he is not sure if he should talk to me or not. i will give him credit, he kept his trap shut and asked no questions. 
with that i shut it down. 
the next day i spoke with some tech geeks i know. i told them what happen and all said, i was in big trouble. i was given tips how to fix this but let's face it i am  no tech geek and needed a quick fix. after trying their ideas i gave up and called the nice people at dell. 
dell was great. they discovered my laptop was virused out (if that is a real term) and the only solution was to wipe it clean. 
had i known that, i would have written down my bookmarks and passwords. but a lass, i had no time nor the dinero for this either. i had to make a choice and fast so i agreed to a wipe out. i lost all my pictures of lucky, my family, my nephew, bookmarks and passwords. 
i did manage to burn most of the pictures to a disk a few weeks before this, so all was not totally gone but it was heartbreaking. so was the $250 i had to shell out (could not really afford). i made not have made bill gates richer but i sure made dell happy that night. 
so in the end, i got my laptop back but lost my blogging password and of course my blog for a while. ok a long while. shout out to one of my best friends on earth and the best blogger i know, dingo, savannah and lily bean's mommy!!! with out her, i am not sure i would have ever found my blog!!!!!
now when i am asked my ace to look something up, i can say, "i can't. the site was lost in the laptop crash of 2011." funny thing he is still  not sure how it happen but knows it is all his fault. i take comfort in that! 
until next time......