Sunday, January 31, 2010

the baby is now 8!!!!

on january 27th of this year, my little girl turned 8. 
it's hard to believe this adorable face turned 8 years old. like any parent, when your child gets older you look at them and think "when did this happen?".
i look at lucky and think the same thing. 
i remember the day lucky came home to us like it was yesterday. she was so tiny and scared. she had no idea what was happening and who were all these strange people. one moment she was living with the people who were taking care of her since she was born, and then she moves. 
lucky has been the joy of our lives. sure she gets into trouble. yes she has eaten things that she shouldn't. 
she has more toys, pillows and blankets than i do, but she deserves to be spoiled. she loves her mommy and daddy so much. she loves her snuggle time at night. i think that is her favorite part of the day. it's also mine. i love it when we get into bed and she snuggles next to me with the "puppy sigh" of content.
lucky also has her own facebook page. she has her friends dingo and savannah who when she sees their pictures, she licks my computer screen. on her page all her friends and family said happy birthday and they wrote it on mine too. she was pleased. 
we celebrated with our normal routine of dinner, treats and a big game of tug of war. 
for a little girl, who weighs 40lbs soak and wet, she has the jaws of steel. 
lucky has been through a lot in the last few months with being sick. i am grateful she has come though with her spunky personality intact. she is a wonderful little pup and loved very much.
snoozer after celebrating her birthday. 
here is to lucky's next 8 years!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

i guess i did a good deed.

yesterday was a dramatic day at work. 
we had only been open about a 1/2 hour when the drama happened. 
i was at the copier (yes making copies at the copier) and talking with our receptionist jackie, when all of a sudden we heard this loud thump. jackie and i turned and we saw a lady falling down the stairs. 
we ran to catch her but she went down so fast there wasn't enough time. this poor lady had no idea what had just happened. she was so dazed and confused. jackie asked if she was ok and she said her knees hurt. i am looking at her and all i could think of was that she needs the paramedics. i said i was going to go call and the lady said no she was ok. she didn't look ok to me and i told her i was calling anyway. 
while we waited for the paramedics to arrive, i sat with her and kept her talking to me. 
let's face it, you go down the stairs head first a concussion has to be building somewhere. 
as we talked she mentioned that she needed to get home and take care of her mother. 
i asked her about her mother and she told me that she was elderly and needed to be watched. i sensed that she didn't want to say anything more and it was a painful subject. 
then i asked her if there was someone we could call for her. she said she had a brother who was a police officer. so we called him. 
after she was done, i looked at her and started talking to her again. she was becoming pale and starting to shake. i asked if she ok and she said she was going to pass out. i held her hand and told her to just relax and take a deep breath. then she said her shoulder was starting to hurt. i asked if anything else hurt and she was not sure. 
the paramedics arrived and asked the same questions. you could tell she was scared. 
i said to her that everything would be ok, but she needed to go to the hospital and get checked. i asked if she wanted me to go with until her brother arrived. she smiled and said thank you but could i just keep an eye on her car. 
odd request, but i said yes. 
the paramedics got her into a neck brace and strapped her to a back board. jackie had brought down her coat and purse and handed them to the paramedics. 
she was grateful that she had her belongings and as they started to move her, she asked them to wait a second. she turned and looked at jackie and i and said thank you for calling the paramedics and for caring. 

later that afternoon i asked my manager if he heard how she was. as it turns out she did have a concussion and a broken shoulder. 
in a way had we not acted so fast, things could have been worse. i am grateful that it was only a broken shoulder, and not head trauma. 

so a good deed was done.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

omg, it's not all about you!!

i have this friend, well not really a friend, just someone i met on another another website a year or so ago. 
she is a younger than me by 2 years, divorced and a bit weird. she is entertaining and we do have the most interesting conversations but there are days when after listening to her go on and on, i just want to scream, "HELLO, HELLO!!! THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU!!! LOOSE THE ME, ME, ME, FACTOR!!" every conversation goes straight back to her and what is going on. 
now mind you, everyone has to have a "me" moment. take ace for example, he has one every 10 seconds he is awake, but at some point you just got to knock it off. it is annoying. 
my distaste for her started a few months ago when we had a difference in opinions about the health of my puppy. now most of my fb friends and my bloggers who know about lucky knew what had happen with her meds. btw, if i did not thank you for your love and support, thank you so much!!!!!!!!
according to said friend, she knew it all because she worked in a vet's office, had 4 dogs of her own and knows everything. she had said it was the meds, lucky should be taking sudafed, her diet for this was all wrong, the same thing happen to her last week (mmm, last week? really? that was not even mentioned) and her vet said to do this and that etc. 
aside from the "i hate liars", i needed support and comfort here, not a lecture and surely not opinions. however, said friend would not shut the fuck up. now granted this was all via text message (note to self: self stop giving for cell number to every tom, dick and harry!!!)
but i finally lost my temper, even via text this was not hard. i pretty much told her that even though i know she means well, this is my child, my only child, and i will do what i think is best for her. just like any mother would, right? yes. 
what is really ironic while i am having this text conversation with her, my husband is having the same one with a friend of his. of course his conversation was a bit more heated, if you can believe that one. 
after that, i have not talked as much with her. normally i will not talk shit about my friends. i love my friends and am always willing to help them whenever i can. however, this friend refuses to return the sentiment. the emails i get are always about her x-boyfriend who moved and about their "life" together, how bad etc etc etc, and when she is not whinning about that then it's her x-husband and his new wife. when i emailed her about a bad day i was having at work the response was " bummer and did i tell you what my ex's new wife did last night?". i mean come on, like why would i care about that? more important why do you??? that was all i got, bummer. like that was to make me feel better? that makes up for the hours i talked to her on the phone, gave advise, took the time to email her support??? 
this is a woman who says she "cares" about people and her friends, yet never ever returns the sentiment. this is something that does not sit well with me. i am a firm believer in karma, do one to others and unless they piss you off first, do not attack. i am not perfect and perfection is not something i believe in, but it strikes me as ironic that when i am supportive of her and she is not to me, something "bad" always seems to happen to her.  hello karma. 

Friday, January 1, 2010

the worst decade, yet not too bad...........

2010. new year new decade. 
at 7:30pm last night i realized this was the begining of a new decade, not just a new year. then it hit me, 10 years have gone by and man it was a crappy 10 years!!!!!
2000 started off with my nervous breakdown, 2001, 9/11 which needs no explanation. 
2002, my grandmother gets sick and it became a race to see how long we would be able to keep her alive. 2003, a mix of emotions. my sister gets married, i meet ace, i got the lucky puppy, break my wrist, loose a job, and grandma passes on. 
you would think that at some point things would get better. no. 
2004, my dad gets sick that summer and passes away that fall. during this time i too am getting sick and not having a clue that i am. 2005 finally something good happens, i married the love of my life, we become homeowners and that's all the good that could come out of that year. thinking back, i realize now the homeowner thing blows.

the bad and trust me the bad, my grandmother anne passes away and so does my cousin. they died within weeks of each other.
so far minus a couple weddings, and lucky, this decade is not going well. then lighting strikes. i am no longer getting sick, i am sick. for the next year we try to figure out why i am sick. 2006 does not get any better, my uncle austin passes away too that thanksgiving.
i remember the wish i made that new years. i wished for 2007 to be better and i would find a way to get well. funny thing, that was the one wish that came true. 
2007 i found help of a good doctor who had the good sense to go the right test, and a baby who i knew would not be there the next year.

as 2008 approached i could only help for better and prepared for the worst. the best and only good thing that came out of 2008 was the birth of my adorable little nephew. 
things looking up here, as so i thought, no we get hit with the worst recession ever. home loans get foreclosed, banks tank, the dow is doing things that have been not seen in years,  prices go up, my sister looses a job she worked so hard for,  and the military is still in the wrong place. did anything amazing happen to me that year? nothing good. 
2009 had happier moments not a lot but some. my family is healthy and safe, jacob turned 1, i turned 40 and came out of it without a problem, and i finally had a vacation with my husband. 
of course this was also the year of deaths of icons. partick, farrah, walter, the kennedy clan loose 2 people with in weeks of each other, and let's forget, michael jackson. not that he really rates on here but since i did grow up listening to "thriller" respects are need here.
even the economy was still taking a noise dive and ends still do not meet. our govenor rod, fucks up life for the state of illinois, his replacement is an ass bag and we loose more money to taxes while the state does a lavish election party for their home town president.
this was all i could think about last night as the clock slowly got to midnight, this is what i posted on my facebook page.

out of this decade only a few great things have come. a great husband, a lucky puppy, my nephew, a brother in law, my health slowly restored, and new and old friends. happy new year to everyone!!!

the last 10 years have been a learning experience. i learned to take responsibitly for my actions, became an adult and realized you can not change the past but you can change the future. 

will i ever look back on the last 10 years with fond memories? only some, forever this will be the worst decade. i am thankful to still be alive, but still selfish enough to want my family back. 

happy 2010!