Sunday, January 3, 2010

omg, it's not all about you!!

i have this friend, well not really a friend, just someone i met on another another website a year or so ago. 
she is a younger than me by 2 years, divorced and a bit weird. she is entertaining and we do have the most interesting conversations but there are days when after listening to her go on and on, i just want to scream, "HELLO, HELLO!!! THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU!!! LOOSE THE ME, ME, ME, FACTOR!!" every conversation goes straight back to her and what is going on. 
now mind you, everyone has to have a "me" moment. take ace for example, he has one every 10 seconds he is awake, but at some point you just got to knock it off. it is annoying. 
my distaste for her started a few months ago when we had a difference in opinions about the health of my puppy. now most of my fb friends and my bloggers who know about lucky knew what had happen with her meds. btw, if i did not thank you for your love and support, thank you so much!!!!!!!!
according to said friend, she knew it all because she worked in a vet's office, had 4 dogs of her own and knows everything. she had said it was the meds, lucky should be taking sudafed, her diet for this was all wrong, the same thing happen to her last week (mmm, last week? really? that was not even mentioned) and her vet said to do this and that etc. 
aside from the "i hate liars", i needed support and comfort here, not a lecture and surely not opinions. however, said friend would not shut the fuck up. now granted this was all via text message (note to self: self stop giving for cell number to every tom, dick and harry!!!)
but i finally lost my temper, even via text this was not hard. i pretty much told her that even though i know she means well, this is my child, my only child, and i will do what i think is best for her. just like any mother would, right? yes. 
what is really ironic while i am having this text conversation with her, my husband is having the same one with a friend of his. of course his conversation was a bit more heated, if you can believe that one. 
after that, i have not talked as much with her. normally i will not talk shit about my friends. i love my friends and am always willing to help them whenever i can. however, this friend refuses to return the sentiment. the emails i get are always about her x-boyfriend who moved and about their "life" together, how bad etc etc etc, and when she is not whinning about that then it's her x-husband and his new wife. when i emailed her about a bad day i was having at work the response was " bummer and did i tell you what my ex's new wife did last night?". i mean come on, like why would i care about that? more important why do you??? that was all i got, bummer. like that was to make me feel better? that makes up for the hours i talked to her on the phone, gave advise, took the time to email her support??? 
this is a woman who says she "cares" about people and her friends, yet never ever returns the sentiment. this is something that does not sit well with me. i am a firm believer in karma, do one to others and unless they piss you off first, do not attack. i am not perfect and perfection is not something i believe in, but it strikes me as ironic that when i am supportive of her and she is not to me, something "bad" always seems to happen to her.  hello karma. 

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