Sunday, December 13, 2009

just when you thought the fear was over

no sooner did i make that last post, when 12 hours later fear struck again. 
i wake up, of course not in a good mood, (still not but hey, nothing knew) and all i want is a peaceful day. nope not here. 
ace is watching "marley and me" and i am sitting there trying to drink my coffee and read when all of a sudden ace screams (the man screams 24/7) "look at lucky's mouth!"
ok i will admit first thought was the normal wtf, shut up and of course he really needs to get over the drama king role.  
i get up and look at lucky's face and sure enough the ride lower lip is red and swollen. really swollen. so i call the vet. duh!! vet is not there on sunday but i get the number to the 24/7 animal hospital. i call and talk to a very nice lady who ask me questions about how lucky is doing, is it painful to touch, eating, drinking breathing etc. 
so far nothing indicates a problem so far since she is doing all of these things and very well. i am told watch her and see what happens. i tell ace what she said and as i am talking i could swear her lip is getting bigger. ok maybe it's the o.c.d nut case in me and it's not happening. humor me if you would. 
ace looks at me and asks what do i want to do. of course i am not making that call here, so i ask him. ace looks at lucky and comments that HE thinks it's getting worse. yeah 2 paranoid people who are seeing the biggest fat lip that is really not there. so i call the animal hospital back and tell them we are coming in. trust me, they needed the warning.  

with in a few minutes we are escorted back to the exam room and the nice nurse ask many questions and exams lucky. she is not seeing anything that indicates lucky is in grave danger.thank goodness here. so far i am doing good. no panic attack. then the nice nurse says something you would never expect. she needs to take lucky's temp. now a normal person would be thinking clearly here about that statement. i am not that person. 
that lady takes that thermometer and sticks it in my poor puppy's butt!! i know that's what they do, but i was not expecting that nor was lucky. lucky and i have have the same thought on this. this area is an exit not an entrance. i have to admit, lucky took this better than i did. 
 doctor sees her and tells us it is an allergic reaction, but she has no idea what it is. give the dog benedryl. that was her answer. she knows she is on the proin but i guess that means nothing here. all she can say is that there is no masses and go benedryl.
fine, we leave head to walgreens and get benedryl. now most people would go liquid, but not me. here i am thinking my dog eats everything so pills would be no problem. 
note to self: problem!!! dogs do not just swallow pills. so we wrap it in cheese, cheese goes well, pill on floor. try cream cheese. goes well, pill on floor. ok final try i stick my finger in the cream cheese and hide the pill. ok now that works. so we try the second pill, smart puppy here, she wants no part of any of it. we try putting it in food, still nothing. 
then ace says to try peanut butter, ok we do and it works. 
after a while things calm down, lucky is doped up and swelling is going down. i try and catch a nap, ace is upstairs, and all is good. dinner time comes and i give her dinner and the proin. an hour later ace looks at her and sees the other side of her lip is swelling so we try more benedryl. my poor baby is now high off benedryl, scared and uncomfortable. and so are we. i finally get her calmed down enough so we can all get some sleep. 
about 3am we hear lucky shaking her head, scratching her little body and running around like she has ants in her in pants. ace and i get up and try everything we can to calm her down. nothing is working so i give her 2 more benedryl's hoping she will sleep. this takes a while to kick in and calm her down. needless to say sleep goes out the window for us. (side note, it doesn't help about this time both ace and i are now sick and thumper comes home from work also sick and 3 people sharing a bathroom is not good.)
morning comes and after a couple hours sleep, lucky wakes and we go out, have breakfast and of course a proin. with in the hour ace screams that her left eye is swelling and call the vet. i call the vet, explain the problem and get put on hold. after a 10 minute hold the nurse comes back and tells me it's an allergic reaction and more benedryl. wtf, is it with these people?? i want answers!!!! fine more benedryl. 
now dinner, bet you can't guess what happens next. yup you guessed it, the right eye is now swollen and this time it's really bad. ace is freaking, i am freaking, lucky is freaking. 
so like any good mommy i do what comes natural, i call the vet and for those who know me, the temper took over here. i repete the story one more time and tell them straight out that i want lucky seen and now!! so away we go. 
we get to the vet, go through the story again, and find out that it sounds like an allergic reaction to the proin. no proin for you! just keeping giving the benedryl and see what happens. well next morning lucky is a letter better and i decide to switch to the liquid instead. i am told that 2 syringes of benedryl will work and sure enough she liked it better.
by thursday she is doing better, no swelling since monday and no proin. i call the vet on thursday to see how much longer, i am told keep the same doses and drop it down to 2 times a day instead of 3. ok no problem.
until friday. now i am already stressed out from the week as so is lucky. i give her the meds before i leave for work and she promptly throws up. so i try it again. i know you are thinking i am od'ing my dog. you are right and i am still not clued in to this. 
thumper shows up at work and i ask how she is. he tells me she ate her breakfast and was ok. i take it as a good sign. duh!!! never listen to thumper, because all was not well. 
we get home and we see she threw up the benedryl again. no more benedryl. so i try and give her dinner. she looks at it and walks away. she is not into it. i finally call the one person who would know what to do. my neighbor shawnda. this woman is the nicest lady you can meet and know everything about dogs. she tells me to leave her be and see what happens in the morning. she might be quesy from all the benedryl. i can not argue this fact.
saturday morning i get woken up from ace, who is in panic mode of course, telling me lucky will not eat. 
i go on line to search out the answers for this one. i find a nice on line vet who i call. she tells me that what is going on is normal and to try a boiled chicken breast and veggie baby food. at this point i will try anything. of course i check this out with shawnda who tells me yes and she will bring over some veggie she uses on her dogs. 
we get the chicken, baby food and the veggie stuff. lucky is in love with this!! 
we also change her food bowls and her mat, so she does not associate being sick with her food. success, lucky eats!!!
it's been a week now, and a stressful one, but we lived threw it. lucky is better, she is in love with her new food, being very playful and all i can think of is how much we love her and can i break this chicken habit at some point?

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