Sunday, July 26, 2009

to vote or not vote yes?

well i still have a job. at least for another 3 weeks. i guess i should explaine this.
i work in a service department and my techs contract is up at the end of this month. yes they are union, lucky me. anyways, they have been going back and forth on this for a few weeks and threating a strike if they don't get want they want. like anyone gets what they want. i want a million dollars but do you see that happening?
well, they voted today and so far it's a yes that they like the new contract, a no on some issues. the "no" get voted on in 3 weeks unless they resolve it before that time.
you would think that fully knowing the time was coming that they would have started this out in say january!!! but noooooo. and they wonder why i call them princesses.

this is why i named this blog what i did. the real world does suck and i know that's a whinny thing to say but it's not all it's cracked up to be and where you learn the basics in school, it does not prepare you for living the life. what i am hoping that my wonderful sister will someday show this to my nephew so he can understand that life is a gift but also so fucking complicated.

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