Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my rocks

there are 3 people in my life that i love more than words can say and have been my rocks. the ones who have been there for me through everything. the ones who always still love me no matter what stupid thing i say or do. they never bansh me from their lives and never get the credit they deserve.

not that this is in any special order. first is my mom. this lady had been through so much in life and still keeps fighting. i have put my mom through hell since birth. she has taken so much abuse from me that why she still talks to me is amazing. mom's love and law. she has been there for every time i got in trouble, loaned me money, lots of sickness, boyfriends, breakups, deaths, jobs, name it, mom was there. got to love this woman. and i do very much!!!
my mom was a stay at home mom for a while and then went back to work. leaving me alone with my sister. maybe not the smartest idea, but who could afford a sitter? reason why she needed to work in the first place. face it, expenses went up in life and 2 little girls need things. dad worked too. a lot. for as long as i can remember he had 2 jobs. so that left my sister and i alone alot. but when needed, mom was there.

my sister. the next rock. my sister is the strongest of us all. she is very down to earth. thinks sensible, don't sweat the small stuff, holds her temper better than me, and after every rotten thing i ever did or said to her, she still stands by me. sometimes you have to ask why???
but she does.
the first memory i have with my sister, was the day she was born. my mom went into labor and i got shipped off to the grandparents. this is also the first of many traumas in life.
having spent day and night with my parents for, as we have both been told our wholes lives, for 2 years and 10 months to the day, you can see where some problems would occur.
i remember the day she was brought home. we got into my grandfather's car an i remember wanting to hold her. in those days car seats were not mandatory like today. my mom put her n my lap and after a few minutes i decided my sister was too heavy to hold. so mom took her back and home we went.
after a few minutes my parents got my sister settled in her new crib, or i should say my old crib and off to dreamland she went. i thought then we would go back to our little family routine but my grandparents had a different plan. their plan was to take me to lunch so my parents could relax and unpack. my plan was to stay put. when i was told i had to go with them for a few hours i freaked out and refused to leave mommy's side. my grandfather the master or bribes, said he would take me to lunch if i went. like that was going to work. nope, the crying continued. then he said if i go with and stop crying, we could go to the toy store and he would buy me whatever i wanted. i was out the door!! i remember coming home with a little stroller and baby doll. i think i even tried to put my sister in there so i could push her in it. when she would cry at night i would climb in the crib and sit with her.
she is the best. i have done a lot of terrible things to her growing up. but still whenever i needed her, she was there. as we have gotten older we have become better friends and closer. fights are now very few.
when i first found out i was sick she was the first person i told. just talking to her brought me comfort. i could have never gotten through my many surgeries with out her. my sister is the best and if she ever reads this too, she now has it in writing!!!

my husband. after 4 years of marriage i still can't believe those words. how we met and got together is defiantly another story. when we got engaged, we found out i had ms. neither one of us thought twice about it. ok well i didn't. he was on my case to get on meds for it. but i had decided to wait until after the wedding and the move. soon after we got home from our honeymoon, i got very sick. weird pain that came and went. weight loss. name it i was having it. for everytime i was sick he was there. doing whatever he could to be supportive. he never showed me how scared he was. spike ( goes with the how i met him story) did not come from a "professional hospital family" like i did. in our family when a loved one was in the hospital you went, you visit, you took a shift and parked it in that tiny crapped room.
so spike had no idea how to deal with this. but he never let on he was scared. he would do whatever he could to be supportive, loving and helpful. he was put through alot for the first 2 years. 2 surgeries and a miscarriage. some men would have given up, but not him. but he didn't. he fought with me and for me every step. and if anything he loved me more.

without the love and support from all of them, i think i would have given up myself. families and marriages are full time jobs that you have to work on or they don't work. the pay sucks, hours are long but the fullfillment is the best.

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