Sunday, September 19, 2010

it's all about her part one million

again i have to say i hate devoting a blog to someone whom i can not stand but it's my blog and if writing about what bitch this woman is going to make me feel better, then so be it. 
i am also doing this because this woman is a snoopy little bitch and i know she will pop in here sooner or later. 
as i said, i met this woman on another website and let's face it we all know which one i am talking about here. the ''witch bitch" as i call her or wb for short, has become highly jealous of the things i do or even someone else. if someone else is getting more attention than she, g_d help us all. now if you go back to january 2010 and read the "all about her" blog, or whatever i called it, you can get some back ground on this woman. however, i have to admit, i sugar coated it to be nice at the time. well nice time is over, so let's get to the nitty gritty here. she is older than me. WAY OLDER!! she has been divorced many times, her boyfriend left her, he used her for money she thought she was getting, she lies about everything, she thinks facebook is real, she thinks that everyone loves her (NOT!!!), 
she has experienced everything in life (she never leaves her house so how can that be?), she has every single diesase known to man ( can we say hypo here?), she makes friends with others on fb whom she doesn't even know or have talked to but since they commented on my wall she feels compelled to friend then and then talk shit about my to them in her "little friend thread in box", i know this for a fact because one sent ME THE FREAKING COPY!!! 
am i being a bitch here? YES!!! am i being as petty? YES!!!! there is only so much bullshit i will take until i blow, and yup i reached it. 
it started out with someone else who was in a car accident. this person was not hurt but their car was a bit damaged. so i commented on it and offered words of advise since i am in the car business and this person's car is one of the models we service. so it only seemed right. not even 24hrs later wb was also in an accident. of course it was not her fault even though she slammed into the back of the car. according to her this person was parked. 
anyway for the last few days all i have seen is post of car being totaled, i know where that woman lives, i am going to get her, i was hurt so bad, my airbags went off etc etc etc. 
fine whatever!!!! did i comment or ask how she was? no. why bother because that would feed the fire. well i guess she must have noticed my absence because she felt the need to comment on something of mine and of course insert her 2 cents. 
which btw, bitch, you might want to hang on to the 2 cents you own since you will need it for when THAT WOMAN YOU HIT SUES THE PANTS OFF YOU!!!!! SHE WILL BECAUSE YOU HIT HER BY DRIVING TOO FAST AND NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!! 
ok, sorry but i really needed to do that one. 
anyway, she commented and i said my response was directed at someone else not her. 
next thing i see is wb friends my friend. let's face some facts here, she has never talked to this person, she is not mutual friend with anyone else except me, so why send a request to someone whom you have nothing in common with?
to piss me the f**k off!!! 
they say karma comes back at you, well by me blogging and her posting (something that never happen) it will come back WB, trust me it will come back. or did it hit you already?